When you think about a magical Herb, Fennel should come right up to your mind. It’s been around us since Charlemagne's time.
It has been in our hands to transform itself into food, medicine, and even beauty products.
Its culinary role worldwide is well known for centuries; that is why fennel deserves its own article in our blog. So, prepare to know more about this plant, its properties, and a few myths we are going to clarify today.
What is fennel anyways?
Fennel is the common name of Foeniculum vulgare, known as a herb that grows worldwide in the earth's temperate zone. It is originally from southern Europe, specifically the Mediterranean coast, where it grows in the wild.
Alongside anise, caraway, carrot, celery, coriander, cumin, dill, lovage, cow parsley, parsley, and many others, fennel is part of the Apiaceae, a family of aromatic flowering plants.
How can fennel be used?
Fennel is mainly used in the gastronomy world. The bulb, foliage, and fruits of the fennel plant are used in many of the world's culinary traditions. The tiny flowers of wild fennel are the most potent form of fennel and the most expensive.
Dried fennel fruit is an aromatic, anise-flavored spice, brown or green in color when fresh, slowly turning a dull grey as the fruit ages. For cooking, green fruits are optimal.
The bulb is a crisp vegetable that can be sautéed, stewed, braised, grilled, or eaten raw. Tender young leaves are used for garnishes, add flavor to salads, sauces, puddings, and soups.
Fennel fruits are sometimes confused with those of anise, similar in taste and appearance, though smaller. Many cultures in India, Afghanistan, Iran, and the Middle East use fennel fruits in cooking.
Fennel leaves are used in some parts of India as leafy green vegetables either by themselves or mixed with other vegetables, cooked to be served and consumed as part of a meal.
Florence fennel is a crucial ingredient in some Italian salads, often tossed with chicory and avocado or braised and served as a warm side dish. It can be blanched, marinated, or cooked in risotto.
Unveiling some myths about fennel.
Fennel is widely known for its assistance of intestinal gases, or digestive problems, especially when combined with other herbs with similar effects, like anise. That is why fennel is frequently found in many tea herbal mixes made to be consumed after meals. It works better if you have at least 3 cups a day.
But it is not all sweet and roses. Too much fennel tea (especially high levels of pure extract fennel oil) can lead to drowsiness, arrhythmias, and seizures. That's because anethole and estragole, components of the essential oil in fennel, are highly neurotoxic.
Unfortunately, some outdated healthcare professionals and well-intended family members recommend drinking fennel tea to breastfeeding moms. It is said that drinking fennel infusions increase breastmilk production and helps the baby with intestinal gases.
At TVT Trade Brands, we offer organic fennel seeds and ground, directly from Egypt. The ancient Egyptians believed that they could prevent the plague by using a mixture of fennel seeds. Our Fennel seeds are a condiment that will delight aniseed lovers. It brings subtlety to all dishes and awakens the senses.
If you would like to place your order, we will be more than pleased to help you bring this fantastic flavor to your dinner table.